Rumored: X-Men’s Evan Peters to Appear in WandaVision on Disney+. Recently Marvel fans have been buzzing with the news that Evan Peters had been cast in a mysterious role for the new Marvel Disney+ series, WandaVision. Though this is far from a confirmation of the appearance of X-Men‘s Quicksilver in the MCU, the casting choice does seem odd, particularly for a show revolving around Wanda Maximoff.
This is potentially the first official crossover between the previously Fox owned Marvel properties and the canon Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Other rumors indicated that the first crossover in a theatrical release will take place in Captain Marvel 2, but that remains to be seen.
The new Marvel series will star Paul Bettany (Vision), Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch), Kat Dennings (Darcy Lewis, from Thor), Randall Park (Agent Jimmy Woo from Ant-Man and The Wasp), Teyonah Parris (Monica Rambeau from Captain Marvel), with Evan Peters, Kathryn Hahn, and Shane Berengue cast in mysterious roles for the series. It is rumored that Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange) will also make brief appearance towards the end of the series.
One of the stars of WandaVision, Paul Bettany (Vision), previously spoke with Kevin Smith about his excitement for the series and how it is unlike anything Marvel has done before. “I am such an admirer of Kevin Feige, he has taken such a risk with the show, and the concept of this show. It’s beautifully written by and her staff of writers – and it is f*cking bonkers,” Bettany explained. “I mean it’s so out there and nuts, the choices that they are making. And fans will not have to wait that much longer… they’ll much more of an insight, very, very, soon as to what it may look and feel like.”
Photo Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney+
It is currently unknown if Evan Peters will be reprising his role as Quicksilver or if he will play a completely new character introduced in the series.
It was recently announced that WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier may only premiere with half seasons at first on Disney+ due to production delays from the COVID-19 pandemic, but a formal decision has yet to be made.
The reason being, Marvel Studios had purposefully designed WandaVision to premiere after TFATWS, likely due to ties in the events of the stories and refraining from sharing spoilers with Marvel fans. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was revamped after the original story reportedly was too similar to real life events. Supposedly, the storyline included a pandemic, or the threat of one, and Marvel ultimately ordered reshoots for the series. Before reshoots could fully get underway production was shut down due to the current real life pandemic and the series still has weeks of filming left to finish. Prague, one of the filming locations for TFATWS, is beginning to reopen the city and has given the all clear for production to resume pending certain safety measures and checks, but it is currently unknown when Marvel Studios will return to film, likely being cautious to help keep the cast, crew, and citizens of Prague safe and healthy when reshoots begin.
Be sure to check back here at Chip and Co. for updates and all things Marvel Studios!
Featured Photo Credit: Fox/Marvel Studios/Disney+
Source: ComicBook
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Filed Under: Marvel, Disney Gossip, Disney+, News, disney, Disney plus, Elizabeth Olsen, Evan Peters, Paul Bettany, WandaVision, X-Men