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The Disney Conservation Fund Continues its 25-Year Commitment to Community Conservation & Protecting the Magic of Nature

During our 25th anniversary year, the Disney Conservation Fund (DCF) team is honored to continue providing critical support to community-led conservation efforts globally. As many organizations struggle with unexpected challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, support from the DCF will help provide groups key resources to carry forward efforts to bolster communities and to protect wildlife around the world when they need it the most. 

This year, we are proud to support 50 conservation organizations working to protect more than 100 species through the Inspiring Action Conservation Grants Program, including the following initiatives: 

  • Beneath the Waves (BTW): Shark Survival Inside Protected Areas – BTW plans to conduct a series of scientific research expeditions in The Bahamas, aimed at monitoring the behavior of sharks to understand the value that Marine Protected Areas play in their survival. This research is key for demonstrating that long-term habitat protections can benefit wildlife and people. The program also will engage local schools to ensure kids are inspired to protect sharks and the ocean habitats where they live.
  • Conservation Fusion (CF): Inspiring Leaders, Protecting Lemurs in Madagascar – CF is connecting people to the science of lemur and forest conservation through education, research, and leadership skills development. Madagascar is home to 112 species of lemurs, and sadly, 94 percent of all lemurs are threatened with extinction. CF is working to address the threats lemurs face by working with local communities to highlight tangible benefits of eco-tourism, empower youth and restore critical habitat by planting more than 60,000 trees each year.
  • Global Penguin Society (GPS): Penguins, People and the Planet – GPS has already had great success protecting penguins and their habitats, leading an effort to establish 32 million acres of terrestrial and marine protected areas in South America. This project will help support the conservation of Magellanic penguins in Argentina, expanding research to help protect penguins and working to address the threats they face, from marine plastic pollution to climate change. 
  • University of Central Florida (UCF) Research Foundation – Oysters, Endangered Birds, and Children: The UCF Research Foundation is helping advance science and engage communities in the restoration of oyster reefs in the Indian River Lagoon in Florida, supporting other species like wading birds. The program also works with Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, Florida engaging kids as citizen-scientists, having them help to identify birds from remote wildlife cameras.

In addition, we are continuing to advance conservation collaborations through our Saving Wildlife work, whichdrives comprehensive strategies aimed at reversing the decline of butterflies, coral reefs, cranes, elephants, gorillas, monkeys, rhinos, sea turtles, sharks and rays, as well as tigers. These programs are helping to bring back species by addressing threats and empowering communities in important ecosystems from California to Brazil and Kenya to China, among other regions. 

We are grateful for the communities that continue to help ensure a future for wildlife around the world, including the many Disney Guests who have helped contribute to the Disney Conservation Fund. Together we can protect the magic of nature and ensure a world of wonder for future generations to enjoy. 

A complete list of our 2020 grantees can be found on our website And more highlights and stories featuring the #MagicOfNature continue to be shared on Facebook and Instagram @DisneyConservation, and from @DisneyConserves on Twitter. 

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#DisneyMagicMoments: Behind the Camera – Reflecting on Cinderella Castle’s New Royal Colors

A few weeks ago, I shared a photo I’d just taken of Cinderella Castle with my friend Zach Riddley from Walt Disney Imagineering. You may have seen it on his Instagram page, and I thought you might enjoy learning a bit more about how I captured this cool image.

I was in Magic Kingdom Park early one morning before dawn. My official project that day was to take photos of Cinderella Castle’s new royal color scheme at sunrise. It’s so much easier these days to set up for these types of shots, since I have an app on my phone that tells me exactly where the sun will break the horizon; I used to have to look it up ahead of time and draw a line on a map to figure out approximately where to stand. Now I just show up and turn on my phone…magic!

My app that morning told me the ideal location would be somewhere along the bridge that heads into Liberty Square. As I was walking along the bridge searching for my specific spot, I happened to look down and see the castle reflected just perfectly in the water of its moat, with an amazing pre-dawn sky behind it. We call this the “magic hour,” when the sky just starts to brighten but before full sunlight – it only lasts for a few minutes each day. Even though I wasn’t at the park for this particular shot, the opportunity was just too great to pass up.

The water was so still that morning, though, I knew if I took the photo as-is, you may not be able to tell it was actually a reflection. I needed to find something I could toss in the water to make it ripple, and managed to scavenge just three acorns from under the oak trees that line the bridge. On my third and last toss, the acorn landed in the exact position I wanted and I snapped the photo you see here.

OK, well…not exactly the photo you see here. Because it’s a reflection, I wanted to pull a little trick and make the castle appear to be “right side up,” as if you were looking at it for real. So I flipped the image horizontally and then rotated it 180 degrees. That’s why the little patch of green in the lower right may confuse you – that’s the grassy lawn on the edge of the moat. Turn the photo upside down again and it will all make sense!

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Filed Under: Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World Resort, MK, WDW

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Show Off Your Disney Dance Moves Enter the shopDisney “Halloween Dance Party” Contest

Put on your favorite Halloween costume and get dancing! Enter the | Disney store “Halloween Dance Party” contest from now until October 18, for a chance to win one of four $1,000 gift cards good at Disney store or

Entering is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

Step 1: Dress up in costume as your favorite Disney, Pixar, Marvel or Star Wars character 

Step 2: Make a video (at least 30 seconds) of you alone or with your family dancing to the exclusive “Halloween Dance Party” song which you can download on Instagram or on

Step 3: Post your Halloween Dance Party dance video to Instagram between now and October 18th using #shopDisneyContest and follow @shopDisney 

Poof! Done. 

Be sure to grab a bowl of your favorite Halloween mini chocolates and visit the Halloween shop for great costume and decoration ideas to keep the #DisneyHalloMoments going all month long.

*shopDisney “Halloween Dance Party”

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Enter Contest between 9/18/20 at 12:00 PM PT and 10/18/20 at 11:59 PM PT. Open to legal residents of the 50 U.S. & D.C., who are 18+ at time of entry. Limit 1 entry per person. See Official Rules for full details on how to enter, eligibility requirements, prize descriptions and limitations. Void where prohibited.

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World Rhino Day Brings Big News for Disney’s Animal Kingdom

I’m always struck with awe at the sheer power and size of rhinos, so of course, I couldn’t let World Rhino Day go by without taking time to appreciate and promote the protection of this magnificent endangered species.

Did you know rhinoceros are the world’s second largest land animal and among the most endangered animals in the wild due to poaching?

World Rhino Day Brings Big News for Disney’s Animal Kingdom Rhino Lola, Jao & Kiama of Disney's Animal Kingdom

Today, I’m thrilled to share that Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park has big news for the future of rhinos – we have three pregnant white rhinoceros in our care. It’s the first time we have ever had this many horns and hooves on the horizon.

  • Kendi, who was the first rhino born at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in 1999, is the first due, with a calf expected to be born sometime this October.
  • Jao is expected to give birth sometime in fall 2021.
  • And rounding out the “crash,” which is what we call a rhino herd, Lola is due in fall / winter 2021.

Dr. Natalie Mylniczenko, one of our veterinarians, has been along on the journey with our moms-to-be. Through routine checkups and ultrasounds, Dr. Natalie has worked closely with the rhino keeper team to keep a close eye on how the pregnancies are progressing. She may be one of the only people in the world that has seen a rhino at 2 centimeters.  

Planning for a rhino birth requires time and patience for all involved. Rhinos have a long gestation period, approximately 16-18 months, so each of these births are roughly 1 ½ years in the making. Add to that the time that goes into research to pave the way. All three rhinos were chosen to breed through Species Survival Plans (SSPs), which are overseen by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums to ensure the responsible breeding of endangered species. Dugan, the herd’s bull, is the father of all three calves. 

World Rhino Day Brings Big News for Disney’s Animal Kingdom Dr. Natalie Mylniczenko giving a rhino an ultrasound at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Our animal care team is eager and ready to help welcome these rhino calves upon their arrivals. Once born, they acclimate quickly – rhino calves weigh between 88-140 lbs. at birth and can stand up within the first hour. They stay very close to their mothers for the first three years of their life.

We are so excited about these new additions coming soon to our rhino family and we’ll continue to keep you updated here and at @drmarkatdisney on Instagram and @DisneyASE on Facebook.

Want to learn more about how Disney cares for rhinos and helps protect these species in the wild? In addition to our social channels, check out “Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom” streaming on Disney+ starting September 25.

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Filed Under: Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Walt Disney World Resort, Animals, DAK, WDW

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Hong Kong Disneyland Announces Reopening on September 25

We’re pleased to share that today Hong Kong Disneyland announced that it will officially reopen on September 25, 2020! 

In alignment with the latest guidance from health and government authorities, the resort will continue its measured approach with health and safety measures implemented as a top priority, including capacity control, health screenings, temperature checks, requiring face masks, social distancing, and increased cleaning and disinfecting. 

We thank all of our Cast Members for their dedication efforts in preparation for our reopening, and we hope to see you real soon!

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