Since the Disney Resorts have re-opened and Disney World will be opening for guests soon, there has been plenty of preparation on Disney’s side. Things are being completely changed to ensure guest and cast member safety, and that includes limited theme park capacity!

Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort
Although Disney has sent out surveys to guests who have recently stayed at the Disney Resorts, many guests and readers have given us their own thoughts on the Disney Park Pass reservation system. And, if you happened to book a visit to the parks when they re-open, Disney is looking for your opinion on how well Disney Park Pass works too!
The Disney Park Pass reservation initially went live for resort guests on June 22nd, and it also opened to Annual Passholders and regular ticket holders soon afterwards. While the system has been operating well recently, it debuted with a VERY bumpy start.
However, Disney has only recently sent the survey out after many of the issues with the system were seemingly sorted out.

Disney Park Pass Survey
This particular survey we received begins by asking where guests permanently reside and if they were over 18 years old to confirm that they could take part in the survey. Standard stuff.
But Disney also confirmed that we recently booked Disney Park Pass reservations. Interestingly, they were ONLY asking about ONE of our park pass reservations.

Disney Park Pass Survey
Since there have been some varied guest experiences, Disney went on to ask about the ease of use for the new system. (While we JUST made this park pass in the last two days, it was easy to do since many of the original issues have been ironed out.)

Disney Park Pass Survey
In light of the varying experiences with the Disney Park Pass system, Disney went into depth with how guests feel about how their experiences at Disney World will be affected. The survey asked for opinions on how tricky the situations will be in the parks, the length of wait times, crowds, and more.
THIS is super fascinating that Disney is gauging guest perception based on their own “before you go” marketing and, we assume, opinions gleaned from public discussions on social media.

Disney Park Pass Survey
Disney’s trying to figure out the mindset of the guests who are coming into the parks, so that they can use appropriate language and marketing around the experience. After all, how guests perceive their vacation could feel can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. (E.g. if the majority of guests say that they believe that wait times will be longer than in the past, then Disney knows it’s their job to focus on getting the word out that they think wait times could, in fact, be shorter. I mean, maybe. I’m clearly not a marketing professional! But that’s one way they could use this information.)
Plus, Disney wanted to make sure that guests were thoroughly aware of the health and safety regulations across the parks and resorts. This stems back to checking up on their own goal to get the word out to guests as much as possible.

Disney Park Pass Survey
Disney went on to ask some more standard questions that we see in most Disney World surveys — checking to see if this was the guest’s first trip to Walt Disney World, and, if not, the dates of the guest’s last trip.
And although the survey did ask earlier about our upcoming resort reservation, it confirmed this fact again…

Disney Park Pass Survey
…before diving into more detailed questions that pertained to guests’ specific situations, like income, ages of those in the household, etc.

Disney Park Pass Survey
So Disney’s listening y’all. At least they’re trying to find out information about our experiences and about how we THINK our experiences could go down when we’re actually in the parks. Fun insight for sure.
What have your experiences been with the Disney Park Pass system? Let us know in the comments below!
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Filed Under: Disney News, disney parks, Featured, Walt Disney World, Disney, disney news, Disney Park Pass, disney park pass reservation system, Disney Park Pass System, disney survey, Disney World, Disney World reopening