
Orange County Florida has no plans to cancel the Disney World Reopening

Orange County Florida has no plans to cancel the Disney World Reopening Disney World Castle

Orange County Florida has no plans to cancel the Disney World Reopening

With Disneyland delaying their opening last night, all eyes are on Disney World right now. CNN Reporter Cristina Alesci shared the news yesterday that Disney has no plans to revisit the reopening of Walt Disney World as of this time.

Of course, if the numbers in Florida continue to climb that could change, but as of right now Disney World is still expected to open on July 11th & July 15th.

Recently Disney World Cast Members submitted a petition to have Disney World delay their reopening due to COVID-19 concerns.

What do you think? Should Disney World still reopen in July or do you think that is too soon?

Let us know in the comment box below.

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Filed Under: News, Cristina Alesci, Delayed Disney World Reopening, Disney World Reopening, Orange County Florida