If your little padawan wants to experience the power of building their own lightsaber, you may think you have to shell out $200+ to do so. Yes, that is an option at Savi’s Workshop at Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge, but you have another option. At Tatooine Traders next to Star Tours you can build your own lightsaber for 1/10th of the cost of going to Savi’s. Of course, it is a much different experience than Savi’s, but if you’re on a smuggler’s budget, this is the way to go.

The Choose Your Destiny build your own lightsaber experience at Tatooine Traders allows you or your youngling to select a lightsaber blade (blue, red, green, or purple), a hilt, and end cap piece to customize your own lightsaber. You can even blend elements of the light side with elements of the dark side.

COVID-19 safety precautions now have the parts station roped off. Rather than rummaging through trays to select your parts, a Cast Member brings a selection of the parts to you. Your lightsaber is put together and off you go to defend, or dominate, the galaxy.

It is $29.99 for this experience and your own customized lightsaber. Current available discounts, including the 30% off discount for annual passholders are available. (Our cost came out to $22.36 with discount and tax.) This is a great value. While the experience at Savi’s Workshop is entire different, much more immersive, and results in a much higher quality lightsaber, Tatooine Traders is the way to go if you’re looking to save money, or have young kids who don’t need such a big production.

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Have you ever built your own lightsaber at Walt Disney World?
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Filed Under: discounts, Dos and Don’ts, Galaxy’s Edge, In the Parks, kids, Saving Money, Star Wars, disney covid, disney discount, disney star wars, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, star wars lightsaber, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge