Man Builds ‘Harry Potter’ Monopoly Game from Scratch for His Girlfriend. Chloé Niland received a magical gift from her boyfriend Alex Thompson who built a special Harry Potter Monopoly board game just for her! Aaaawww, #RelationshipGoals much?!?
The couple resides in the UK and, for those who do not know, there currently is not a readily available licensed Harry Potter Monopoly game available in the UK, or pretty much anywhere else for that matter. So Alex got the idea to make his own Harry Potter version of the famed game and it turned out incredible!
Photo Credit: Chloé Niland/Alex Thompson
Chloé shared how the idea was born during the quarantine for COVID-19 while playing the standard version of the game with Alex.
“I read each of the books when they first came out and since the films came out I’ve also watched them a ridiculous amount of times too. Alex does enjoy it though. As much as he has made this game for me, it’s definitely for him too. We played the normal Monopoly again recently and started discussing how good a Harry Potter Monopoly would be as there would be so many choices for places to put on the game board. We both had a look online and couldn’t seem to find an official one anywhere to get in the UK. The only ones we found were other home-made versions.”
Photo Credit: Chloé Niland/Alex Thompson
Alex shared, “I knew the Easter Holidays were coming up and that we wouldn’t be able to go out due to the lockdown, so I thought this could be a good time to do this project. As I wasn’t able to go out due to the lockdown I had to be resourceful and use what I had lying around, some pine skirting board and a couple of small sheets of plywood. I’ll always try and make something first rather than buy it and have done loads of DIY such as converting my own camper van so I know how to make most things.”
Photo Credit: Chloé Niland/Alex Thompson
“It helps having the right tools including a newly purchased table saw – which was accompanied by a raised eyebrow from Chloé – But it was definitely necessary.”
Chloé also shared, “When Alex said he was making one I loved the idea! He’s spent so much time on it. He thought of, designed, and made pretty much everything himself including all the money and the comments on the Community Chest and Chance cards (or his version Quibbler and Daily Prophet cards).”
Photo Credit: Chloé Niland/Alex Thompson
She continued, “His brother Andrew also helped to make some wooden dice to match with the wooden game board. The only parts he ordered online were the silver Harry Potter figures for the character pieces. Alex is frustratingly so good at everything haha! Particularly when it comes to thinking of an idea and making it. I’m so lucky that he’s so talented. My friends always say, ‘Is there anything he can’t do?’”
So how did the first game go? Chloé shared the results: “I won. We are both very competitive so at the start of the game I didn’t know if it was going to end well or in tears. I was determined to buy Hogwarts, which I did. But I was still devastated that Alex managed to buy the Hogwarts Express before me. I’ll get it next time.”
Photo Credit: Chloé Niland/Alex Thompson
You can check out a quick video of the homemade Harry Potter Monopoly game by check out the original article shared by LadBible by CLICKING HERE.
Be sure to check back here at Chip and Co. for all things Harry Potter!
Featured Photo Credit: Chloé Niland/Alex Thompson
Source: LadBible
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Filed Under: Harry Potter, Games, News, Monopoly