Enter for your Chance to Win These Toy Story Themed Reeboks. I can’t let you throw your chance away at getting these Woody and Buzz inspired Reeboks by Disney and BAIT. The Toy Story themed raffle was shared online by @baitme on Instagram with photos of the shoes and the caption:
“BAIT x Pixar Toy Story x Reebok – Buzz And Woody. Releasing at BAITme.com via online raffle, is the long awaited BAIT x Pixar Toy Story Instapump Fury. Buzz and Woody have become an iconic duo ever since the first Toy Story release in 1995 and we wanted to highlight that by releasing these two together as a pair. The left pair features Buzz’s Space Ranger’s uniform and the right pair highlights Woody’s cowboy outfit. Each pair comes in special ‘toy’ packaging. Also available in the capsule are all new apparel pieces to tie back to the beloved characters. You can sign up for our raffle now at http://www.baitme.com/bait-toy-story-reebok-instapump-fury-og-woody-buzz”
A post shared by BAIT (@baitme) on Jun 9, 2020 at 2:09pm PDT
Photo Credit: Reebok/BAIT/Disney-Pixar
A post shared by BAIT (@baitme) on Jun 9, 2020 at 9:12am PDT
You can enter the raffle by CLICKING HERE
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Featured Photo Credit/Source: BAIT/Insider
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Filed Under: Pixar, News, BAIT, disney pixar, Reeboks, toy story