Visiting Walt Disney World means standing in line. It’s why we named our app “Lines” – because it will help you avoid long lines. Now with COVID-19 precautions, the physical space of the lines at Walt Disney World is long, though it doesn’t mean your wait will be as long as the line looks. Extended queues are everywhere, so here are some tips and tricks for dealing with them.
The queues for all attractions, and food for that matter, are socially distanced. And having to space people out in a safe distance while waiting in line has led to some interesting extended queue set ups.

Top tips for dealing with extended queues
- Look for the lollipop signs
- Be prepared to be outside a lot
- Keep your eyes on the distancing markers
- Make a game of jumping from marker to market if you have a little one
- Take time to enjoy the details once inside the formal queue
- Eating or drinking is not allowed in the ride queues
Look for the lollipop signs
The vast majority of attractions have lines that start quite a distance away from their regular entrance. You’ll need to look for the lollipop signs that indicate where the end of the line is located. Generally you can easily follow the extended line from near the ride’s regular entrance down the walkway and find the end of the line, but the lollipop signs are a big help.

Be prepared to be outside a lot
Because of all the extra distance needed between parties, the lines are extending well beyond their original borders. Extended queues weave throughout the park, staying off to the side as to not impede traffic. This leads to lots more time outside while you wait your turn to make it into the original ride building. Be prepared for hot Florida sun, or the occasional cold day. Make sure to check the weather forecast and have rain gear with you if there is any rain in the forecast.

Keep your eyes on the distancing markers
Now that the parks have been reopened for over five months, some of the distancing markers on the ground are showing some wear and tear. Keep a close eye on the markers so you can keep your distance. In some cases Disney has replaced the printed markers with colored tape.

Make a game of being in line
We recently asked our Instagram followers for their tips for passing the time in line. We received a wide array of answers. From playing “Heads Up” game on your phone to making up incorrect backstories about the rides, we sure saw a lot of creativity. If you have little ones with you, I have found it is fun to run or jump from one marker to the next as they open up. My son loves it. So much so he does it at other public places – yes, we do get inquisitive looks from others.
Take time to enjoy the details once inside the formal queue
One positive of the temporary elimination of FastPass+ is that everyone gets to enjoy the formal queue. It’s nice to be able to have a little time to enjoy all the details. Although the line is constantly moving, it is at a pace that will allow you to look around and notice all the details. Much of the ride’s story and theme is firmly established in the queue.

Eating or drinking is not allowed in the ride queues
To help maintain a safe environment, eating and drinking is not allowed in the queues. This is a change that takes a lot of getting used to for many guests. Be sure to fuel up before you get in line. And if you do need to use the restroom after you’ve entered the queue, we’ve noticed many Cast Members allowing guests to depart the line, use the restroom, and return to their party in line.
Have you experienced any of the extended queues at Walt Disney World? What tips would you add? Let us know in the comments!
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Filed Under: Attractions, Dos and Don’ts, Trip Planning, disney covid, disney crowds, disney reopening, disney wait times