
Walt Disney World Resort Makes Additional Changes to Face Mask Guidelines

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about dealing with COVID-19, it’s that things are ever changing. Due to that fact, the Walt Disney World Resort has updated their guidelines on the the types of face coverings that they will be allowing.

This new update indicates that face masks containing valves, mesh material, or holes of any kind are also not acceptable. Previously, Disney also stated that neck gaiters and open-chin triangle bandanas are not acceptable face coverings and will not be allowed as options for Guests to wear when visiting the Walt Disney World Resort. In addition, costume masks are also not considered appropriate and are prohibited from being worn.

As a reminder, in order to visit the Walt Disney World Resort, Guests ages 2 and up are required to wear face coverings at all times, except when dining or swimming.

All face masks (whether disposable or reusable) must:

  • Be made with at least two layers of breathable material
  • Fully cover the nose and mouth and secure under the chin
  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • Be secured with ties or ear loops and allow the Guest to remain hands-free

In addition, the Walt Disney World Resort has closed a loophole where Guests did not have to wear a face mask while walking if they were consuming food or beverage items. Guests who need to remove their masks for a prolonged period of time are directed to head to one of the park’s “Relaxation Zones.”

The team here at TouringPlans has done research on some of the best face coverings. (Though do keep in mind that some of this research was done prior to the new rules coming out – ie. the discontinued use of gaiters at all Disney locations.) Take a look at Part 1 and Part 2.

Keep in mind that this current mask policy can change at any time according to health guidelines. Also, while wearing a face covering is mandatory, the use of these kinds of masks are not a substitute for physical distancing.

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Filed Under: News, Walt Disney World (FL), Face Covering, face mask, walt disney world